2023 ChineseSurfing Co., Ltd.

Vocabulary Bank | 化妆品/护肤品-Makeup, Skin care products

Nǐ xǐhuān huàzhuāng ma?


Do you like makeup? 

Nǐ měitiān dōu huì huàzhuāng ma ?


Do you wear makeup every day?

zhè yī qī,ràng wǒmen yīqǐ xuéxí gè lèi huàzhuāngpǐn,hùfūpǐn děng de zhōngwén biǎodá ba. 

In this issue, we are going to look at all kinds of makeup and skin care products.


化     妆     品


妆前乳 zhuāng qián rǔPrimer

隔离霜 gé lí shuāng - Makeup base

防晒霜 fáng shài shuāng - Sunscreen

粉底 fěn dǐ - Foundation

遮瑕 zhē xiá - Concealer 

散粉 sǎn fěn - Loose powder 

粉饼 fěn bǐng - Pressed powder

修容 xiū róng - Shading powder

眼影 yǎn yǐng - Eye shadow

腮红 sāi hóng - Blush

口红 kǒu hóng - Lipstick

高光 gāo guāng - Highlight

眉笔 méi bǐ - Eyebrow pencil

唇膏 chún gāo - Lipstick

卸妆水 xiè zhuāng shuǐ - Makeup remover

眼线笔 yǎn xiàn bǐ - Eyeliner

睫毛夹 jié máo jiā - Eyelash curler

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