2023 ChineseSurfing Co., Ltd.

Chinese Idiom | Perfectly Content - 心满意足Xīn mǎn yì zú

Chinese idioms, known as 成语 (chéngyǔ) are fixed phrases that are mostly composed of 4 Chinese characters. These idioms are an important part of day to day life in China and their meanings are based on the historical texts from which they were created.

Perfectly content

心 满 意足
Xīn mǎn yì zú

xīn lǐ  fēi cháng mǎn zú 

心 里 非 常 满足

【 How do we use it? 

Example 1

Rú guǒ xiàn zài wǒ kě yǐ chī yì kǒu dàn gāo,

Now if I could just eat one bite of cake,

Wǒ jiù xīn mǎn yì zú le.

I would feel perfectly content.

Example 2

Wǒ dé le dì'èr míng,

I got second place, 

Dàn shì wǒ xīn mǎn yì zú le.
but I'm still very satisfied.

Example 3

Yàoshì yǒu yìbēi nǎichá jiù xīnmǎnyìzú le!

If only I had a cup of milk tea, I would be perfectly content!

Example 4

Zhè xiē nián lái nǐ duì wǒ zhè yàng hǎo,

 You have been so good to me all these years,

Wǒ yǐ jīng xīn mǎn yì zú le.
I am already perfectly satisfied.

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Based in Hangzhou, Chinese Surfing is dedicated to making the Chinese language and culture accessible to learners around the globe. Our goal is to empower you to master Chinese and gain a profound understanding of China, equipping you with the skills and confidence to fully engage with this vibrant culture. Whether you prefer to study in Hangzhou or online, we offer a wide range of courses to suit your needs. Our offerings include online classes, small group sessions, private tutoring, business Chinese courses, HSK preparation (for levels ranging from beginner to advanced, including HSK 3, HSK 4 course, and HSK 5 & 6), intensive courses, and corporate training. We focus on enhancing speaking and communication skills at every proficiency level. Additionally, we host monthly events both in Hangzhou and online, fostering a dynamic community centered around Chinese language and culture. Join Chinese Surfing today and start your journey towards mastering Chinese with confidence.

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