优惠yōu huì - preferential
优惠券/券 yōu huì quàn /quàn - coupon
消费券xiāo fèi quàn - consumer coupon
领取lǐng qǔ - to receive; draw
领券lǐng quàn - to get a coupon
立即领取lì jí lǐng qǔ - get it right now
有效期yǒu xiào qī - expiry date; term(or period) of validity
至zhì - to;until(a time)
Useful Sentences:
1. 有优惠活动吗?
Yǒu yōuhuì huódòng ma?
Are there any special offers?
2. 可以领优惠券吗?
Kěyǐ lǐng yōuhuìquàn ma?
Can I get coupons?
3. 我有优惠券,怎么用?
Wǒ yǒu yōuhuìquàn, zěnme yòng?
I have a coupon, how do I use it?
4. 有效期是什么时候?
Yǒuxiàoqī shì shénme shíhou?
When is it valid?
满 mǎn - to reach the limit;expire
减jiǎn - to subtract;to reduce(the price)
立减 lì jiǎn - to reduce the price right now
原价yuán jià - original price
特价tè jià - special offer; bargain price
预售yù shòu - pre-sell
定金dìng jīn - bargain money
尾款wěi kuǎn - final payment
Useful Sentences:
1. 有特价吗?
Yǒu tèjià ma?
Do you have a special offer?
2. 需要付定金吗?
Xūyào fù dìngjīn ma?
Do I have to pay a deposit?
3. 什么时候付尾款?
Shénme shíhou fù wěikuǎn?
When do I pay the final payment?
满70元减6元 mǎn 70yuán jiǎn 6yuán (6 yuan off over 70 yuan)
配送费立减5元 pèisòngfèi lìjiǎn 5yuán (delivery fee minus 5 yuan)
If you're interested in learning more Chinese expressions, gaining a deeper understanding of Chinese culture, and studying the language in a structured way, Chinese Surfing is the perfect choice for you. Chinese Surfing is a professional Chinese language training center located in the heart of Hangzhou. Chinese Surfing is a professional Chinese language training center located in the heart of Hangzhou. We welcome you to learn Chinese in Hangzhou with us in person, or if you're overseas, you can still join our online courses. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, we offer tailored courses that suit your level and help you gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese language and culture. Join us today and experience the language and culture firsthand at Chinese Surfing!
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