2023 ChineseSurfing Co., Ltd.

有点儿 and 一点儿: The Different Uses Between Them

"有点儿(yǒudiǎnr)" and "一点儿(yì diǎnr)" both mean "a little bit", but their uses are totally different.

【Part I : 有点儿yǒu diǎnr】

"有点儿(yǒu diǎnr)" is normally placed before an adjective to express negative feelings about something.


For example:


【Part I : 有点儿yǒu diǎnr】

"有点儿(yǒu diǎnr)" is normally placed before an adjective to express negative feelings about something.


For example:


【Part II :  一点儿(yì diǎnr) 】

"一点儿(yì diǎnr)" is normally placed after an adjective and is often used when comparing, and telling people what you want or expect.

For instance,

Here "一点儿(yì diǎnr)" is placed after an adjective to contrast with the feeling of yesterday.

Here "一点儿(yì diǎnr)" is put after "小" to indicate you would like to have a smaller one. "有点儿(yǒu diǎnr)" does not have this usage.

★ "一点儿(yì diǎnr)" can also be put before a noun to indicate a small quantity (一点儿(yì diǎnr) + noun).

For instance,

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