2023 ChineseSurfing Co., Ltd.

Daily Chinese | "我酸了" I am sour? I am jealous


Have you seen these emoticons in your WeChat moments or groups?


可能你知道“我累了”“我胖了”,但是不太清楚“我酸了”是什么意思,那么今天Chinese Surfing就来教教大家怎么使用这句最近很火的流行语——“我酸了”。

Maybe you already know wǒlèile and wǒpàngle but not clear about the exact meaning of wǒsuānle, So today, please let Chinese Surfing teach you how to use this popular jargon.

什么意思?What does it mean?


柠檬níng méng=lemon

我酸了wǒ suān le=I am sour-I am jealous


In fact, wǒsuānle comes from the word LEMON, because there is a saying on the internet that the essence of human beings is lemon, which means that most people are very easy to be jealous and envy, so we use wǒsuānle to express that feeling.


怎么用?How to use it?

  • 01 我酸了。I am jealous.    



(My friend’s gift for Valentine's Day...I am jealous.)



(The heroine is so beautiful. I am jealous.)



(Why does everyone have time to travel, I am jealous.)

  • 02 我承认我酸了。 I admit that I'm jealous.

  • 03 使用表情包 use emoji for convenience


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Based in Hangzhou, Chinese Surfing is dedicated to enhancing global accessibility to Chinese language and culture. Our mission is to enable everyone to learn Chinese and gain insights into China, equipping individuals with the tools and confidence to fully immerse themselves in this vibrant culture. Whether you prefer studying in Hangzhou or online, we provide a comprehensive range of courses tailored to your needs. These include online Chinese classes, small group sessions, private tutoring, business Chinese courses, HSK preparation courses (from beginner to advanced levels such as HSK 3, HSK 4, and courses for HSK 5 & 6), intensive Chinese courses, and corporate training. Our programs focus on developing speaking and communication skills across all proficiency levels. Additionally, we organize monthly events in Hangzhou and online, fostering a dynamic community centered on Chinese language and culture. Join Chinese Surfing today and embark confidently on your journey to mastering Chinese.


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